What my clients say…
A little sampling of email and cards. Everyone who says “thanks” deserves major thanks for doing such wonderful work for themselves. The unseen forces also merit tremendous thanks. I say that when we take the photo of my annual company picnic, I’m the only one you can see, but the photo’s pretty crowded, and actually, you need a wide-angle lens. Thank you to you all, seen and unseen, who are dedicated to healing. Everyone who heals heals us all. Namaste!
“Hey, our session was so good for me last night. Thank you for helping me sort all of this new stuff out… I have a feeling that this might be quite normal to have so many ‘ contacts’ in early awakenings…” L.M. Brooklyn, NY
“All i can say is WOW! I can breathe and I feel like a new person. Right after i left you, I was on my way to see the doctor, and called my agent in the meantime. In a nutshell, I have a ‘movie’ opportunity, that I got very excited about!….Linda you have helped me beyond my imagination. I am finally alive and vibrant and my eczema had practically disappeared by the time I started my remedy and cream from the doctor on Saturday. I am so grateful to you. Thank you for being in my life.” S.C. Brooklyn, NY
“I knew from the moment I met you that you would assist me. There are many emotions in my body that I am not in touch with or if in touch with them I ignore them. I believe your work will help me to embrace, release and love all parts of myself … I feel very supported by you … thank you for appearing on my path.” C.P. Brooklyn, NY
“I just wanted to thank you again for a wonderful Reiki class! I really enjoyed your teaching style and your sense of humor. By the way, the cats were glued to me all evening and morning after I came back. I felt so energized this morning that I did my workout at the advanced level with weights, which I have never done before! ” G.K. Brooklyn, NY
“The Reiki is going wonderfully for me. I am so happy to have received the attunement from you; it has really enriched my life. I don’t usually give myself Reiki that much, but I’ve been giving a lot to my coworkers and friends (and getting it in the meantime.)” C.H. NY, NY
“Much much love to you, Linda. A change is upon me. Thank you, and please continue a sustained support.” C.S. S.F. CA
“Thanks for your deep compassion and generous attitude bestowed in your teaching and working with me….You are a great inspiration to me in my quest for intimacy with the healing arts and in my search for personal dedication in my work.” K.S. NY, NY
“I am writing to thank you so much for putting your whole soul into working with me this weekend. I cannot begin to describe how blessed I feel to have you in my life. Thank you for your light and your love. I feel lighter somehow. I don’t know how long it will last, as we all know that feelings come and go, but I am truly enjoying a lift in my step and a deeper sense of ‘well-being’ than I have had in ages (or maybe ever!) I can’t help but think it has something to do with the work we did this weekend.” C.P. L.I., NY
“Despite all the commotion, I think it was a good year and personally hope to reap the benefits of that work this year as well as learning and releasing more. Thank you for all your help along this path.” M.D. Bronx, NY
“Thank you for always keeping me in mind, I really appreciate it. I also keep you in mind because everytime something comes up, I remember you telling me ‘… you are a strong woman’. Thank you Linda. Hoping that everything is well with you and your family I ask God to send you many blessings.” R.B. Queens, NY
“Hope your Sunday is happy and bright. Had an inside joke with myself that I think you’ll appreciate. This morning I noticed I was doing six things at once and I thought, ‘Multi-tasking? Ha! Try multi-DIMENSIONAL-tasking!’ hahahhahaha. Wow, is it quieter in my brain since our last session….I also notice a more open, unconditional love feeling towards others. Letting go of the possessiveness and the need to take care of anyone but ME is quite a relief.” A.B. NY, NY
“[My friend] told me that she really enjoyed your session. Her voice was more clear and light. She is having a tough moment right now. I am so happy she decided to go to you…” M.E. Bronx, NY
“Thank you for a wonderful session. I feel more emotionally grounded and secure after the session. The anger, stress, and resentment was lifted from me. Calmness surrounds me even more now….” R.F. Brooklyn, NY
“I slept like a baby last night and woke up feeling like everything is alright in my little world. I have gone through this day unfazed by all the chaos around me and I just keep your words in my heart. Your work is truly amazing (and I love you)….” J.G. Brooklyn, NY