What happens in an Energetic Empowerment session?
You come to my healing room in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Like everything else, this begins with a form, which I will use to make notes. There’s bottled water for you. Together we’ll talk about your current situation, what you’re trying to accomplish, the issues in your life. Remember, I am not a therapist. I’m an energy worker seeking context for the session. (If you need a therapist in NYC, I can offer recommendations.)
Next, you lie down fully clothed, minus shoes, on a comfortably padded massage table covered with soft sheets and two pillows, one at the head and one at the knee. There are light blankets and a comforter available. Some people prefer to work sitting up, and that’s fine. If you find that during the session, you need to get up and move around the room, that’s okay, too.
We begin the session after a formal request for your best possible outcome and highest good. I use my intuitive abilities to help you see what’s going on, to work along with you to find and release what’s holding you back, and replace or repurpose what we find.
We will employ Reiki energy, The DC Shift, intuition, active visualization, guidance, chakra psychology, the IFS Model, and auric work, plus sound and other energy modes. You’ll be able to do it – I know how to help people expand their abilities. All healing is really self-healing.
You see, there was a time when I would simply “read” my clients. One day, it came to me that clients needed engagement in the process. This way, you get to discover for yourself what is going on with you at deep levels, and make choices about it. It’s much more interesting, exciting and empowering than having someone work on you and you leaving saying “Whaaaa?”
At certain points, if you need to drift off, I will work in silence and let you rest. I’ll be monitoring your energy system to see how everything is going. When we are complete, I’ll again affirm your highest good on many levels, and invite you to rest on the table for a few minutes. I make a few notes and write a card with suggestions for you to try. Then, we book the next session.
The process is done within a two-hour window, but typically runs about one and a half hours. The extra time is there in case we need it – I want to make sure you leave feeling good, grounded, and strong. You have my email and telephone number in case you need to check in. That’s it!
PLEASE NOTE that at least 24 hours’ notice is necessary for canceling or rescheduling a scheduled session. More is appreciated. The time you schedule is exclusively for you, as I book only a few sessions a day, each several hours apart. If you cancel in less than 24 hours, payment for the session is required.
See Services and Fees for cost information.